Benjamin Netanyahu's former aid and Right-wing nationalist Naftali Bennett has sworn in as a new Prime Minister of Israel, ending Netanyahu's 12 year old grip on power.

He has courted controversy on several occasions, once stating that the West Bank is not under occupation because “there was never a Palestinian state here”, and that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict could not be resolved but must be endured.

We’ve gathered you for 5 things that we know about Israel Terrorist new Prime Minister, for now.
1.Opposes Palestinian Statehood
Bennett has made his stance on Palestinian statehood utterly clear, and does not whisper about it either. As a far-right ultranationalist, the new Prime Minister has repeatedly stated that he opposes any self-determination for Palestinians. 

2.Shoot To Kill Policy
In 2018, Bennett stated the following: “They are not children, they are terrorists. We are fooling ourselves. I see the photos,” in regards to a question asked of whether or not he would order soldiers to shoot Palestinian children walking on the boundary between Israel and Gaza. 

3.Leave No One Alive
This quote undoubtedly is one of the most infamous ones by the Prime Minister. “If we capture terrorists, we need to just kill them. I’ve already killed a lot of Arabs in my life and there is no problem with that.” The context surrounding this matter was Bennett speaking in a cabinet meeting where the matter of releasing Palestinian prisoners was being discussed. Afterwards, a spokesperson stated, in regards to Bennett’s controversial statement, that he was referring to Israeli soldiers receiving a command to kill Palestinians rather than capturing or imprisoning them. 

4.Supports The Death Penalty
As of now, Adolf Eichmann, the primary Nazi architect behind the Holocaust, has been the only man in Israel who has received the death penalty. However, Bennett has made it clear that he intends on implementing the death penalty for Palestinian militants specifically. 

5.Supports More Israel Settlements
Bennett is a hardliner regarding national security, and continues to vouch for an increase in Israeli settlements within the West Bank. Last Sunday, he stated he intends to “strengthen the settlements throughout the Land of Israel,” although these settlements go against international law. 

Source : https://scoopempire.com/naftali-bennett-10-things-we-know-about-israels-new-ultranationalist-prime-minister/


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